compiled by John Ernfrid Windh

Welcome one and all. We hope you will find much of interest here.

After gathering information for some years with much initial help from Marion Bowman, on December 24, 2000, I posted this project online as a Christmas gift to all the families it documents. Since then, many people have given me additional data until it now includes 7,200 families and 11,000 people. In the Melland family it goes back beyond 11th-century Norwegian King Olaf Haraldsson ("Saint Olaf") to mythical fourth-century Vikings. It even includes Charlemagne. If you can offer further additions or corrections, please email me at windh@mac.com.


    This genealogy project began with the grandparents of John Windh, Elsa (Freise) Windh and Dorothy (Windh) Maurstad and the parents of Marion Maurstad. There are links to those particular forebears under Starting places below.

    To look for other people by name, click on Index (first and last names) or Surnames (last names) below or at the top of any page.

    Once you're looking at a specific person's page, click on that person's name to see a person sheet which may offer additional notes. Click Family at the top of that person sheet to return to that person's main page.

    Beside some names there are small camera icons. Each will take you to a page of photos.

    Clicking Contents or Contact at the top of any page will bring you back to this page.

Starting places

Contact info

Created 24 December 2000 using REUNION from Leister Productions, Inc.
Updated February 12, 2025