NameBorghild AMUNDRUD
Birth23 Jan 1895, Nekoma, Cavalier County, North Dakota
Death22 Apr 1980, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
BurialCalgary, Alberta, Canada
Misc. Notes
According to Wikipedia, the city of Nekoma North Dakota was not formally organized until 1905. In some sources, Borghild’s birthplace is spelled Nekomis, North Dakota, but no such town has ever existed.
Nekoma is best known today as a town near an expensive missile-defense site that never became operational [from]:
Built at a cost of six billion dollars in Nekoma, North Dakota, the site was a massive complex of missile silos, a giant pyramid-shaped radar system, and dozens of launching silos for surface-to-air missiles tipped with thermonuclear warheads. It included a PAR "backscatter radar" site, designed to follow missiles being fired from Russia, which it would shoot down over Canada.
However, due to its expense, and concern over both its effectiveness and the danger of detonating defensive nuclear warheads over friendly territory, the program was shut down, having only been operational for less than three days. Its massive tunnels were flooded. Today it is a military-industrial shell in the middle of nowhere, or in the words of one writer, "a monument to man's fear and ignorance."
Birth15 Oct 1890, Norra Rörum, Skåne, Sweden
Death18 Apr 1955, Jasper, Alberta, Canada
BurialJasper, Alberta, Canada
EducationClick Pete’s name for notes, camera icons for photos.
Misc. Notes
Records in the Norra Rorum church say Pete left the parish on November 12, 1906, for North America. His middle name there is spelled Lyringfrid though he may have simplied that to Lingfrid in North America. Jennifer Windh spells her grandfather's middle name as Longfreed.
Unsuccessfully searching suggests Pete did not land in North America at New York but rather at a Canadian port on his way to join his brother Oscar in Aylesbury, Saskatchawan, Canada.
His daughter Beulah says he worked at the stonecrushers in Aylesbury, then as manager of the lumber yard. In 1931, with three children and wife, he moved to Qu’Appelle in southeastern Saskatchewan, where Lloyd was born. He worked there for a different lumber company until moving to Jasper in 1940. There he worked again for some years in a lumberyard till he was fired for alcoholism, after which he served as secretary-treasurer of the school board until his death.
Marriage28 Apr 1921, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, Canada