NameLeo John SMITH
Death3 Sep 1980
Birth14 Mar 1892
ReligionClick Leo’s name for more information
Misc. Notes
Leo was originally named Leo Johannes Schmidt but at some time he changed his name to Leo John Smith. He came to South Dakota as a child in about 1902 from Galena, Illinois, when his mother and her second husband homesteaded eight miles north and one mile west of Groton. Leo remarked that by age 14 he was working on a railroad construction crew in the area. Leo later took over that homestead and lived there until he turned it over to his son Orval by the late 1930s, probably when Orval married in 1939. Thereafter he farmed with Orval and lived on another farm a mile east, on the same section, and 8.5 miles north of Groton on highway #37. Leo was an extraordinarily pleasant man, at times serene, with a wonderful sense of humor.
After Leo retired, many small farms in that area were bought up by their bigger neighbors. Leo’s farmstead soon completely disappeared without a trace. Its trees were cut, its buildings removed and the entire homesite plowed over so the new owners could grow crops in uninterrupted mile-long fields. leaving no trace of Leo and Maisie’s many happy years there. One of those big farmers was said eventually to own 78 square miles (sections) of SD farmland; at harvest time his convoy of 6-8 big Massy-Ferguson combines would advance down the roads from field to field like an armored military column.
Obituary of September 10, 1980
Leo J. Smith, 88, former Groton area farmer, died Wednesday, Sept. 3, at Watertown Memorial Nursing Home. The funeral was held Saturday, Sept. 6, at the United Methodist Church in Groton with the Rev. John Maines officiating.
Keith Smith sang "How Great Thou Art'' and "The Lord's Prayer'', accompanied by Mrs. Ben Anderson. Casketbearers were Earl Lowary, Richard Ruden, David Sueltz, Darwin Thompson, Ivan Thompson and Norman Thurston. Burial was in the Groton Union Cemetery. The Paetznick-Garness Funeral Chapel was in charge of arrangements.
Mr. Smith was born March 14, 1892, at Elizabeth, Ill, He moved to the Groton area in 1902 and married Maizie Thompson September 5, 1914, at Aberdeen. The couple farmed in the Groton area until 1968 when they moved to Watertown where he had since resided. He had lived at the nursing home there for the past 3 1/2 years.
Survivors include one son, Orval, Watertown; four grandchildren and four great grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his wife, three infant daughters, one brother and two sisters.
Death4 Aug 1966
Birth13 Aug 1893
ReligionClick Maisie’s name for more information
Misc. Notes
Maisie was also good-natured and hard-working, a welcome presence in the lives of her son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren who lived a mile away.
Obituary of August 11, 1966
Services were held Saturday, August 6, for Mrs. Leo J. (Maizie) Smith, 72, at the Methodist Church with the Rev. K. Oliver Brekke officiating. Music was provided by David Seultz, soloist, accompanied by Carol Frommel, organist.
Pall bearers with Ivan and Darwin Thompson, Norman and Lyle Thurston, Earl Lowary and Richard Ruden. Burial was in the Groton cemetery. Paetznick-Garnes Funeral Chapel was in charge of arrangements.
Mrs. Smith passed away Thursday, August 4, at St. Luke’s Hospital after a lingering illness. She was born August 13, 1893, near James to Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson and was married to Leo Smith on September 5, 1914, in Aberdeen. She was a resident of the Groton area her entire life and was a member of the Methodist Church at Groton.
Survivors include her husband, one son, Orval, Groton; two brothers, Chester Thompson, Groton, and Leroy Thompson, Fairfield, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. William (Cora) Rittenberg, Panama City, Fla., and Mrs. Glenn (Myrtle) Stockwell, San Leandro, Calif.; four grandchildren and two great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by three daughters, one brother and one grandson.
Attending the services from a distance were Mrs. Irene Thompson, Tacoma, Wash.; Mrs. Charles O’Toole, Kathy and Chucky, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Frink, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Frink, Jan Frink, all of Aberdeen; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Monson, New Effington, and Keith Smith, Kenosha, Wis.
Marriage5 Sep 1914