Windh/Freise/Maurstad genealogy - Person Sheet
Windh/Freise/Maurstad genealogy - Person Sheet
Misc. Notes
Fred Doepke, who lived in Mexico, Missouri, invited his cousin Dorothea Doepke for a holiday visit, and Fredrick Klusmann was there at the same time visiting his sister Margaret, who was Fred Doepke's wife. After he left, Fredrick Klusmann courted Dorothea Doepke "by mail" and only met her twice before they were married.
Birth26 Mar 1859, In the state of Hannover, Germany (village of Buer?)
DeathSep 1936, Lived In Belle Rive, Illinois
OccupationHad nine children.
EducationKnown as Clara Elisabeth Klusmann
ReligionClick her name for notes.
MotherMarie Elsabein BRANDHORST (1821-1905)
Misc. Notes
From a booklet prepared for a Klusmann reunion in New Salem on June 18-19, 2005.

Margaret Klusmann was born on March 26, 1859, the daughter of J. Heinrich Klusmann and Maria Brandhorst in Germany. She came to the United States with her mother and sister in 1880 and lived in Illinois. In church records from Germany, her name is listed as Clara Elizabeth.

She married Fred Doepke and lived in Belle Rive, Illinois.
Last Modified 22 Aug 2024Created 25 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh