Windh/Freise/Maurstad genealogy - Person Sheet
Windh/Freise/Maurstad genealogy - Person Sheet
Birthabt 1100
Religionclick her name for a Wikipedia link
Misc. Notes
Catherine Ingesdotter of Sweden - Wikipedia

“According to the Knýtlinga saga, Catherine married the Danish prince Bjørn Haraldsen Ironside. Only one child is known from this union; their daughter Christina, future queen of Sweden, who is estimated to have been born in circa the year 1122.

In 1134, Catherine's spouse sided with his uncle
Eric II of Denmark in the Danish war of succession, but was killed by Eric the same year. Her daughter Christina is estimated to have married the future king Eric IX of Sweden in the 1140s.
Occupationkilled in the Danish war of succession
ChildrenChristina (~1122-1170)
Last Modified 5 Dec 2017Created 25 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh