Windh/Freise/Maurstad genealogy - Person Sheet
Windh/Freise/Maurstad genealogy - Person Sheet
NameKing Olof SKÖTKONUNG King of Sweden
Deathca 1022
Birthca 980
Religionclick his name for Wikipedia notes
OccupationKing of Sweden, succeeded father about 995
Misc. Notes
Olof Skötkonung - Wikipedia

Olof Skötkonung (c. 980–1022) was King of Sweden, son of Eric the Victorious and, according to Icelandic sources, Sigrid the Haughty. He succeeded his father in c. 995. He stands at the threshold of recorded history since he is the first Swedish ruler about whom we have substantial knowledge. He is also commonly regarded as the first king known to have ruled both the Swedes and the Geats.

With his first spouse, a mistress named Edla, the daughter of a Slavic chief, Olof had three children:
• Emund the Old, King of Sweden in c. 1050-1060
• Astrid, d. after 1035, married to Olaf II of Norway (Olaf the Saint)
• Holmfrid (possibly sister of Olof), married to Sven Jarl of Norway

With his second spouse, Queen Estrid of the Obotrites, Olof had two children:
• Anund Jacob, King of Sweden in 1022-c. 1050
• Ingegerd, d. 1050, married to Yaroslav I of Kiev
EducationOlof later married Queen Estrid of the Obotrites and had two more children
OccupationEdla, Olof’s mistress, was the daughter of a Slavic chief, she bore him 3 children
FatherWytgeorn of Wenden (940-1005)
MotherGunhilder SVEYNSDOTTIR (945-1020)
ChildrenAstrid (->1035)
 Anna Ingegred (1001-1050)
Last Modified 15 Nov 2023Created 25 Dec 2024 using Reunion for Macintosh