Windh/Freise/Maurstad genealogy - Person Sheet
NameJohn Beaton GREENHOUGH
Birth20 Feb 1919, Gurrock, Scotland
Death10 Jan 1997, Canmore, Alberta, Canada
EducationJohnny came to Canada In 1923. Served in the Canadian Army 1940-45.
ReligionUnited Church of Canada (offshoot of Church of England?)
Death7 Apr 2009, Canmore, Alberta, Canada
Birth28 Jan 1922, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
Misc. Notes
In 1989, Beulah wrote of her father:
Dad was about 5 ft 8 inches tall, heavy, strong as an ox when heaving cement or lumber, fluent in English, good vocabulary, liked crossword puzzles. Good at math, could add up columns of figures in seconds. Good looking (handsome when young).
Generous to friends, loved a good story and could tell one. Intelligent, loved fishing. On the down side: domineering, quick-tempered, racially biased, too fond of alcohol.
He worked at the stonecrushers in Aylesbury, then as manager of the lumber yard. In 1931, with three children and wife, he moved to Qu’Appelle, where Lloyd was born. He worked there for a different lumber company until moving to Jasper in 1940. There he worked again for some years in a lumberyard till he was fired for alcoholism, after which he worked as secretary-treasurer of the school board until his death.
Beulah says “I guess he was especially remembered for his sense of humor, his ability to tell a good joke, and his skill in mathematics. He loved doing crossword puzzles and carpentry.”
Marriage21 Oct 1944