NamePerry Stanford WINDH
Birth25 Nov 1910, Aberdeen, SD
Death6 May 1983, Santa Ana, CA. Buried in Tacoma, WA
BurialTacoma, WA
ReligionLutheran .. click Perry’s name to see more info
Occupationmany different jobs
Misc. Notes
Sena gave birth to Perry before she married Carl Windh. His father was Roswell Kruidenier. Therefore Perry’s name is sometimes cited as Perry Stanford Kruidenier-Windh. The US Census records of 1920 show him as the son of Carl Wind (no “h”) and Sena Wind.
Marion wrote: “As the story goes . . Mom (Sena) at the age of 21 had gone to the city [Aberdeen] to work as a maid for this family. She became pregnant by the son, and of course you couldn’t marry the maid. So she came back home and Perry was born in Aberdeen. He was raised with the Oswoods and was part of the family for several years, until Mom and Dad married. It was a secret well kept for many years, and many of the Windh kids did not know this until Mom and Dad celebrated their 25th anniversary. Perry was 3 1/2 years old when they married.”
One (unreliable) online source says his last address was Lake Forest, Orange County, CA 92630
Death1 Aug 2003, Tacoma, WA
Birth23 Jun 1915, Aylesbury, Saskatchewan, Canada
ReligionClick Thelma’s name above to see more info
Misc. Notes
Perry and Thelma were divorced but they remarried in Minden, Nevada, south of Reno, on March 2, 1968.
Marriage4 Mar 1935, Tacoma, WA 
Misc. Notes
Perry and Thelma were married for a second time on March 2, 1968, apparently in Reno, Nevada.