Windh/Freise/Maurstad genealogy - Person Sheet
NameGarry Lee WINDH
Death7 Jul 2010, Hemet, California
Birth17 May 1947, Tacoma, WA
Misc. Notes
Looking for information about Rachelle A. Windh, born June 1917, 1997, and apparently died the same day. Because she is buried in the same San Jacinto Valley Cemetery in Riverside County, California, as Garry Lee Windh (1947-2010), could Garry Lee be Rachelle’s father or grandfather? Or could one of Garry’s sons be her father?
I know only what I see in an entry and photo on
Birth8 Jan 1949, Santa Ana, CA
Death18 Dec 2020
Misc. Notes
Elsewhere: Berger
Marriage12 Feb 1966, in Santa Ana, CA